!Important: Setting your Current Courses in Sakai as favorites

2017-06-02 11:52

Setting Site Favorites for Simplified Navigation

Having trouble locating your sites? You can set them as favorite so that they appear across the top of your sakai site right when you log in! You can also remove old favorites for courses that you no longer want to appear in the top banner. Follow the quick guide below to customize your sites displayed on sakai.  

     Log into Sakai
  1. Click on the Site Drawer (labeled Sites) at the top right.
  2. You will see stars to the left of each course. Click the star to mark the site as a favorite. Favorite sites are indicated by yellow stars.

For more information, click on the attachment below

Attached files: SiteFavorites.pdf

Tags: Favorites
Average rating: 5 (1 Vote)

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